I really like mac n cheese, especially the boxed c-r-a-p (though I haven't had it in years) so I LOVE the mac n cheese I make with hidden goodness. I did not come up with this concept on my own, rather I melded two separate versions of other peoples mac n cheese to create my own "recipe". According to my dad, I am not allowed to call this mac n cheese bc it's anything but (traditional mac n cheese).
First, the sauce: my mom bought me Jessica's Seinfeld's cookbook a few years ago which employs the method of hiding pureed fruits and veggies in everything you make. I love the cookbook! Her recipe for mac n cheese calls for butternut squash or pumpkin in the sauce (something orange to head-fake the kids). So that's where this concept came from. I follow her recipe for sauce to a certain point and then alter it to my own liking. See below for details...
Second, the extras: One of my favorite local delis makes the best mac n cheese. They add spinach and french fried onions giving it a little something extra; but when I found out (from someone I knew who worked there) how they made it, I was horrified and I haven't eaten it in years. I mean it's really delicious and all but so unhealthy (isn't all mac n cheese??). Nevertheless this is where the idea of adding veggies and onions came from. So, my mac n cheese goes something like this...
I start by cooking the organic whole wheat macaroni (according package directions) and sautéing the cauliflower and zucchini (I also like to use yellow squash in this but I couldn't find an organic one this weekend). I just want to soften them a bit before they go into the mix. At the same time I thaw and strain some frozen spinach and kale.
The sauce is last thing you want to be ready so I don't usually start on that until everything else is about done. Plus, it needs your full attention so I hate to be dealing with veggies and pasta while trying to work through the sauce. Three pans on the stove and 2 kids who are usually at my ankles while I cook is just too much for me!

The sauce...I follow Jessica's recipe for the sauce using 1 tablespoon each of olive oil and whole wheat flower and 1/2 cup of milk. From there, I add an entire can of pureed veggie rather than the smaller amount she asks for. I prefer to add more because A) it increases the nutritional content and B) I am using a lot more pasta than she says to so I need more sauce (but don't necessarily want to add too much more cheese). I have used butternut squash and pumpkin numerous times and honestly prefer either one-I cannot tell a difference between them. On this night I used butternut squash. I add a generous amount of cheese (not quite double what she calls for but maybe one and half times the amount). Keep stirring the sauce until all of the cheese is melted and everything is cooperated. Stir-stir-stir otherwise it will scorch.

Throw everything that's ready and waiting (for the sauce) into a large bowl. Once the sauce is done, pour it in top and mix together really well. I also add a big fat handful (maybe two handfuls) of french fried onions (they really make this dish).
Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes or so and then top with more onions. Let bake for about 5 more minutes or until the onions are nice and golden (but not burnt)!
So delicious!