
Almond Crusted Chicken

A couple weekends ago, I made my regular batch of homemade almond milk (see previous post about almond milk) but this time, instead of throwing the pulp away, I dried it out in the oven to make almond meal. I have read about this many times but I have never taken the time to actually do it. Since I was home for the day anyways (I was watching my besties kids that day so all 4 kiddos were busy playing their hearts out) I decided it would be a good time to give it a try.
With my oven on the lowest setting, I just spread the ground up almond pulp on a parchemnt lined cookie sheet and roasted it for about 2.5 hours or so. I lost track of time after a while; it could have been more like 3 hours. I set my timer every 30 minutes to give the meal a toss with some tongs. Once it felt good and dry, slightly cripsy, I pulled it out to let it cool down.
Using my homemade almond meal, I made Almond Crusted Chicken for dinner one night. It came out pretty good!

To go along with the almond chicken, I also made a batch of Maple Glazed Carrots.I found this recipe earlier this year and have made them half a dozen times since. I am not at the point where I just eyeball everything. They are so easy and so good! My kids love carrots and the maple just gives them a little something extra!

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